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Social Media Storytelling – Lessons from Mad Men

Mad Men Social Media Theory

Social Media Storytelling

Social Media

On the surface, Mad Men might only seem to be tangentially related to you running your business social network, but the show that has won more than fifty different awards and it’s creator, Matthew Weiner, have some good ideas for you and your business.

Weiner just did an interview with Fast Company’s Co.CREATE about advertising, social media, and the eternal nature of storytelling. The article goes a little more in depth about Weiner by saying:

He sees specific resonance between the advertising business of the show and the emergence of social media, which has blown up since the series debuted. “I love the idea that people tell their stories on social media. I love that there are what Norman Mailer called, ‘advertisements for myself.’” And yet, he’s skeptical. “I do feel that it’s a bit of a one-directional conversation, and that it may create loneliness.”

Mad Men has been getting critical acclaim and public attention for the better part of a decade because of the storytelling, so it’s worth paying attention to the show runner Weiner when he talks about telling a story. But how, specifically, do you apply that logic to your small business social media?

Tell a story: Social media is the perfect platform to get your story out there because it’s free and there’s user interaction. How did you get into business? Why do you do what do you? What do you do better than everyone else? Why should people choose your product or service? These things are all important.

Share good work, even if it’s not your own: Everyone appreciates a good success story, but the general public will quickly grow tired of “Do this for me! Buy this from me! Check out what I did!” They’re engaged with your business because they’re genuinely interested in what you’re doing, but don’t be the guy at the party that only talks about himself.

Engage with your users/followers/fans: Share some relevant information. Start a conversation. Ask questions. We all like feeling like we’re part of something, so don’t be afraid to engage with your user base. They’ll appreciate it.

Do you have any other helpful ideas for telling a story with social media? Feel free to share them below in the comments.

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